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Our Mission is to grow as children of God and be the heart, hands, and feet of Jesus.


In everything we do, we measure and discern according to the

values and principles of S.E.E.K. which means we:

Seek out and save the lost (Luke 19:10). 


Invite the community to fellowship through special programs, sermon series, and events to reach out to others. Pray for inactive members and those without a church and provide Welcome Packets & follow up visits for first time guests


Enrich them through Bible studies,



prayers, and small group nurturing.



(John 10:10)


Provide the methods and opportunities for cultivating new members while strengthening the faith of current members (New member classes, regular training sessions that encourage word-of-mouth evangelism)


Equip them that they can serve the Lord,



church, and community based



upon their gifts and talents (Ephesians 4:11-13). 


Mentor & Encourage new members to become involved in church activities that fit their needs, gifts, and talents and develop strong relationships in small group ministry all for the …



Kingdom of God - We do all this for the glory of the King of Kings (Philippians 2:9-10).

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