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A message from our Pastor:

    One of the first things I have seen about Crums is the number of people here who have a mission mindset. It is easy to see that Crums cares about the local community and the world beyond. In three quick weeks I've watched two different youth mission teams (Impact the Valley and REACH) in action, the monthly food distribution at Duncan memorial with many helping hands, heard conversations about Walk to Emmaus (building Christian leaders in the local church), Kairos Prison Ministry, been to UMM and UMW meetings filled with conversation about serving others, and discussed mission efforts to La Gonave, Haiti and Botswana this fall. On top of all that, we've stepped up to hosting Amadu and Ivone Mucambe in our parsonage as Amadu works toward his PhD in Education so that he can have a tremendous impact on education in Mozambique. 


    Faith isn't faith unless it changes how we live. And people who are living to share God's love with others are the best witnesses the Church can have. What we do with what we are given speaks volumes about who we are. And I can see that Julia and I are blessed to be serving Jesus with you. 


To God be the Glory,

Reverend Dave

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